Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Finding Space & Saying Sorry

I've had a hard time making space in my life for writing. Everyone who has ever considered themselves a writer (I think) has gone through one version of this or another.

Writing is the thing that helps me find perspective, centers me, allows me to evaluate and move on.  I see my life differently in my written words.  I told my sister recently that writing is cheap therapy.

In my free time instead of writing, I've been gardening.  Planning parties. Playing outside. Scheduling summer. Wasting time online. Starting to run again (slowly). Teaching my daughter to ride a two wheel bike. Dreaming about house projects we're ages away from doing. Dealing with a toddler who doesn't know what "quiet" means yet.  Reading too much of the news. Learning we don't need every detail.

I apologize that I've been absent, that I haven't made this part of my life a priority. And maybe this apology is for the few of you who read along here - but mostly it's for me.  We should be tough on ourselves. We should be honest about what we're choosing, but we also have to be gentle.  It's the balance that's tricky.

Life is like learning to ride a bike. It takes lots of practice. Up hill is hard work.  Down hill can be a relief. Fast is exhilarating (and sometimes scary). Falling hurts. A great ride is euphoric. Even professional bikers crash sometimes. The only option is to give up or get back on.

We fail ourselves sometimes. We don't live up to our own expectations. It's no ones fault but our own.  So we say sorry and move on. We remind ourselves we can do better next time.


Here we go.

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